Become a Red Cap!

Become a Red Cap!

Angel PantonLula, Red Cap Orientation Leader

“From the outside looking in, you won’t understand it. From the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.”  Being a Red Cap Orientation Leader is much, much more than just screaming and dancing at 7 a.m. Being a Red Cap means that you are willing to put yourself into vulnerable positions to welcome first year students to the University of Hartford, and bring together a community of diverse individuals.

As Red Cap Committee member Ally Denno puts it, “making them [first year students] feel comfortable, and giving them the tools to be successful are a Red Cap’s first goal.”  I joined the Red Cap Orientation Team at the University of Hartford because I wanted to be surrounded by individuals who were not afraid to be themselves, while interacting with the future of our campus. For many incoming freshmen and transfer students, the Red Caps at their orientation are among the first set of students whom they have the opportunity to interact with. Red Caps aid in shaping the perspective first year students form of their college experience before they even move onto campus.

Interested in becoming a Red Cap yourself? Information sessions will be taking place on November 21, and December 3 in the GSU North Cafe during happy hour! Also, look out for the application which will be sent out over winter break. Applications are due February 2 by 2 p.m. and should be emailed to Tryouts will be held in GSU North Cafe, February 7 at 7 p.m. and in Auerbach Auditorium from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. February 8 and 9.