Meet the Informer: Andrew Prokop

Andrew Prokop, Managing Editor

The Informer would like to introduce a new segment called Meet the Informer. Each week in the opinion section, we will be highlighting a new member of our staff and giving them a chance to introduce themselves and explain their role in delivering your campus news every week. Be sure to check back weekly to meet the Informer!

My name is Andrew Prokop; I am currently the Editing Manager for the Informer. I am a senior and currently pursuing my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Robotics and a minor in Mathematics.  

I joined the informer because while I may not have always been the best writer, I have loved writing and the idea of being able to convey anything through a combination of letters on a page. The mental image that you get when reading a great book or how it can transport you to a completely different place is exactly why I wanted to develop these skills. I think the informer was the perfect place to explore different styles and genres of writing.  

As the Editing Manager, my role is to help to review the final submissions for the paper and make sure grammar, formatting, and any other errors are limited before we print. I am also in charge of the opinion section and finding writers to help provide great stories and different viewpoints. 

When I am not writing for the informer, I love to play sports or hang out with friends. I have a wonderful and supportive family. Although we are currently spread to the country’s seemingly farthest corners (FL, CA, and CT), they are still my number 1 fans (see picture). This semester I have found myself a lot busier as I am working full-time at General Dynamic Electric Boatbuilding submarines for the U.S. Navy. I love every minute of it, though, and am surrounded by wonderful coworkers and exciting challenges.

Feel free to follow me at andrew_prokop on Instagram! 

If you have any questions, would just like to chat, or are interested in becoming an editor/staff writer (more flexible schedule) at the Informer, please reach out to me at