Manifest Your Own Reality

Kasey Zollo, Managing Editor

  Manifestation is defined as the public display of emotion or feeling or something theoretical made real. So, in theory, you can manifest anything you think of into your 3D reality. I mean literally anything, from a specific person to a million dollars when I say anything. 

     There are many ways you can “manifest,” including writing your desires down on a piece of paper, saying your affirmations (or manifestations) out loud to yourself, or just simply thinking of something in present tense. All these techniques to manifest something into your reality are incredibly effective. You just have to be patient. 

     Patience is key when it comes to manifestation. Not everything can manifest overnight. For example, if you are trying to manifest money, you cannot just say “I have $300 in my bank account,” when you only have $3 and expect to check your bank account the following day and see your bank account full. It does not always work like that. Although, if you stay patient and keep reaffirming that you have $300 in your bank account, someday soon, you will wake up with extra money in your bank account without really knowing how it got there. Now, do not get discouraged. Manifestations take time, yes, but not as much time as you think. Manifesting can take up to a week to about a couple of months. Although, the more educated you become on manifestations, the better you get at it, and the less time it will take for your manifestations to become your reality. 

     I know it is hard to stay patient when it comes to manifesting, but you will get certain signs from the universe to remind you that your manifestations are coming to you. In my experience, I will get repeating numbers, also known as angel numbers, such as 111 or 222, and they will literally show up anywhere and everywhere. You can also get a ringing in your ear, a huge feeling of excitement, or, honestly, those tarot readers on TikTok.  If you are trying to manifest a specific person, your signs might be a little different. You can see their name everywhere or hear their hometown name everywhere, as weird as this sounds. 

     In theory, we manifest our entire lives but were never aware of it until now. By becoming educated and aware of the world of manifestation, not only can you manifest quicker, but be able to manifest anything you want at any given time.