Hartford Indoor Mask Mandate Ending

February 2, 2022
Hartford county has decided to end their indoor mask mandate, after putting it back into place back in the beginning of January, due to rise of cases of the Omicron variant of the COVID19 pandemic.
The end of the indoor mask mandate ended at midnight on Monday, January 31st, since there has been a steady decline in positive cases of the now two-year long COVID19 pandemic.
Although the mask mandate has ended, businesses still have the opportunity to ask customers of their establishment to still wear a mask indoors.
Although this mask mandate is being dismantled once again, it is important that we still take the safety procedures in order to continue to reduce the spread of Covid. These safety measures include:
– Getting Vaccinated, as well as receiving the booster
– Social distancing
– Wash hands regularly
– If you feel sick or have symptoms of Covid19 – stay home and get tested.
For more information on the Covid19 pandemic, as well as vaccinations, and more safety measurements, please visit the CDC website at: https://www.cdc.gov