2022 College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassador Applications

March 23, 2022
The College of Arts and Sciences selects a team of students, known as ambassadors, to represent the college and the program that they are a part of, at different student admission events. If this is something that you would love to be a part of, now is your chance.
The applications are now open to become an ambassador for your program. The overall task of being an ambassador is to engage prospective students and parents at these admission events, and show them all that the program has to offer them. It has been shown that prospective students feel more comfortable talking to current students since you can share your personal experiences from the University.
Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA, as well as an endorsement from a full-time faculty member from their program. Faculty endorsement emails should be sent to Nicole Mazzarella, Manager of Collegiate Admission, at [email protected].
Applications are due by Monday, April 4th, and you will be notified by email if you have been selected for an interview. This is a voluntary position, but a great way to become more involved on campus.
To apply, click the link attached here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=6JGLt45CL0KltKj2yrBxBJDZHAMynIdJhbyA5PyHH7FUQUdOMzhTRE1ONFJEUkExNkxEN1UyNThTRC4u