Kasey Zollo’s Farewell
April 27, 2022
My Junior year here, I got the opportunity from one of my really good friends to first start writing for The Informer, and I’m glad I actually took it.
At first, I wasn’t so sure about adding more onto my already hectic schedule, and fumbled back and forth with the idea for a while. But, after a lot of thinking, I decided to take it.
It was the best decision I have ever made. The people that I have met along the way have made the biggest impact on me ever. So here I am, saying my final goodbye and thank you.
Thank you all for this amazing opportunity, and friendships that will last a life time. I am so proud of how far this paper has come. I will forever cherish the laughs we had in the office. I really enjoyed my short time writing at The Informer, and cannot wait to see how far the paper will go in the future.
I’ll leave you all with this advice: take the risk, write that article, do whatever you can to get the best story you can. You have such potential and such a big opportunity, so take it.
Thank you the Informer squad, I love you all.