When is Too Old to Trick-or-Treat?

November 2, 2022
Halloween is such a popular holiday for people of all ages. Whether you are decorating, getting dressed up for parties, or going to amusement parks to do the haunts – there is fun for all ages. But on Hallows Eve there is always the popular tradition of trick-or-treating with friends and family.
Trick-or-treating has been such a fun tradition since I was a child. I loved going out to trick-or-treat with my friends and family and getting pillowcases filled with candy. Although, each time I got older, that tradition seemed to die down.
So, the question now arises when is too old to trick or treat? I have heard several people say that they stop trick-or-treating in their first year of high school at about the age of 14. Other people say that 12 years old is the age to stop trick or treating. Honestly, I believe that the first year of high school is a suitable time to stop trick-or-treating.
Freshman year was the time that I started to get more mature and more caught up in the work I was doing. When I went trick or treating in eighth grade, that was when it became less fun for me. When I went in the first year of high school, around 14 years old, that is when I was just more concerned about my homework than going out to trick-or-treat.
Overall, stopping in freshman year before you start getting more mature is the move with trick or treating. Trick-or-treat until it stops being fun for you!