Say Cheese!

March 1, 2023
“No other investment yields as great a return as the investment in education. An educated workforce is the foundation of every community and the future of every economy.” – Brad Henry (Lawyer, Politician, and Former Governor of Oklahoma).
The University of Hartford honors the eagerness each student has to gain experiences through internships and jobs pertaining to their field of study. They offer services to help mold the most professional image possible for all students taking the big step toward the workforce.
This upcoming week on March 3rd, from 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. Members of UHART’s Career and Professional Development team will be offering Professional Headshots for all students in the process of job searching using LinkedIn and various other job searching websites.
The Headshots will take place in the Gengras Student Union (GSU) Room 203. GSU encourages you to reach out to them as soon as possible if interested, due to the rapid fill-ups of slots available for headshots in the past!
The Career and Professional Development team asks you to dress professionally, in order to cast the best impression upon your business character that you can.
In order to register for a headshot, please contact [email protected]. Any further inquiries will be taken by Girik Nagpal via email: [email protected].
We wish you the best of luck in starting your future career!