It would be great to get away from civilization


Justin Lockhart, Sports Editor

First off, I wouldn’t mind being stranded on an island too much, so long as I had a sufficient food and water source of course. It would be great to get away from civilization and just relax on a beach. However, that would get old fairly quickly.

Therefore, I would bring a few things and one person to make things a bit more interesting. I would definitely bring my guitar. There’s no one to complain about terrible playing or singing while you’re stranded, so a guitar would be a perfect thing to use to pass the long days on the island. I would also bring an unlimited amount of paper and writing utensils (I am counting these as one item) so I could keep track of my sanity on the island and perhaps take up sketching or writing to help me pass the time.

The final item I would take with me to my exile would have to be a ball of some sorts. A ball could motivate me to exercise on the island and provide me with yet again, another useful pass time. However, I was also asked to provide a person or celebrity that I would like to be exiled to this island with me. In such a case, I would have to choose Bob Dylan. This would also help me stay quite occupies during my item on this island. With Bob Dylan with me, I could hear countless stories, hear a bunch of great music, and also get a chance to jam along with him.

When looking at these things I could bring along with me, being stranded on an island doesn’t seem too bad, for a little while anyway.