Student Spotlight: Grace Mittleman, The Hartt School ’23

Ryan Gorneault, Entertainment Editor

The Hartford Informer would like to highlight Grace Mittleman, a junior at The Hartt School and a fellow writer contributing to our paper’s News section! 

Hailing from Syosset, New York, Grace’s musical journey has been a unique one. She admits she never had a lightbulb moment where she suddenly realized that music was her passion. Instead, the entertainment she consumed helped her discover a love of singing. She credits everything from the “Mommy & Me” classes she took as a youngster to the “High School Musical” movies, “Hannah Montana,” and “American Idol” for shaping her into who she is today. In addition, she has always had a penchant for performing, having participated in talent shows from as early as five years old. Between the entertainment she consumed and her early days showcasing her talent, she eventually realized how devoted she was to music.

Grace has been singing for more than thirteen years, which has helped her excel at the University of Hartford’s Hartt School. She is double majoring in vocal performance and music education to continue honing her craft as a singer while learning how to teach the next generation’s group of performers so that they can grow as musicians.

“I practice about three to four times a week, about 45 minutes to an hour at a time, whether it’s singing, studying the translations to my pieces, or practicing the diction of my pieces if they aren’t in English.” Grace explained. “Being a voice major is definitely way more complicated than one might think, and a lot of preparation goes into it.” As part of the program, she has also had the opportunity to learn how to play the clarinet, flute, guitar, trumpet, and violin. Grace has also taken ear training, music theory, and piano classes as part of her five-year double major program, which she says is, “an incredibly well-rounded program.”

Outside of school, she performs in the treble-voiced a cappella group, UHarmonies, and sings in the choir at her church. Of course, she also works as a staff writer for the paper’s news section, having contributed to the paper since the beginning of the Fall 2020 semester. Some of her most notable articles have helped spread awareness about the COVID-19 pandemic and have highlighted some important happenings on campus.

To say Grace has worked hard to better herself, become a highly-skilled vocalist and musician, and contribute to our community would be an understatement, but luckily, her hard work is paying off. She won the Juniors Regents Award this year, meaning she is at the top of her class at The Hartt School.

Grace’s music, along with the music of many other Hartt School students, can be heard throughout the Berkman Recital Hall and Millard Auditorium. Performances can also be livestreamed here:

You can also find her articles here: