New Blackboard Update


Maddie Gill, Managing Editor

I have never totally been a fan of Blackboard since I had been using an entirely different platform for submitting assignments and viewing grades for all of middle school and high school. So, it was definitely an adjustment. Once I finally got used to the way it was laid out, the website gets updated … a bunch.

Now, I feel like it is more difficult to navigate and requires a lot of patience and clicks when it comes to bouncing around your course pages. I also noticed a message option, which I do not think should be any professor’s main form of communication, considering I have received a few messages now without any kind of notification. It can be so easy to miss things this way. I think we have an email for a reason and we are better off receiving reminders and announcements that way.

Something new that I do like though, is the institution page tab where you can find links to important UHart information. I tend to frequent the academic calendar and self service pages anyway, so now it is all in one place. Even though I do not necessarily like some aspects of the new update, Blackboard continues to stay up to date and modernized which is definitely what a lot of people look for when using technology these days.