Extended Study Hours


Kasey Zollo, News Ediitor

With finals season coming in a full swing, and end of the year project deadlines coming up, the University of Hartford has extended the hours of Hursey’s general lobby areas to 1 A.m.

The lobbies will be open to all currently enrolled students, and are only open strictly for studying purposes only. To ensure these spaces are being used wisely, public safety will be doing patrols throughout the building. Since it will be so late, it is also asked that students maintain appropriate volumes, and to not play with any of the decorations while utilizing the extended spaces.

Although these certain areas have extended their hours, all other academic spaces will close at their regular time, being 11 p.m. unless it is said otherwise. Students that are found on the closed academic spaces without documented permission will be asked to leave.

The extended hours will be put into place until the last day of finals, so if you need a quiet place to finish that final project, or need to study for that really hard final exam, you are encouraged to use these spaces for however long you may need!

Good luck on finals, the end is almost here!